I was introduced to Growth Mindset and Carol Dweck by Laura last semester. I can see myself as a fixed mindset person from childhood. School work, especially math and science, was very easy for me. I grasped concepts quickly and excelled academically for years. This posed a large problem when I began college. I had never been challenged, nor had I needed to spend extra time on homework. I had gotten so used to everything coming easily and quickly, and I shut down at the first sign of truly challenging work. This has taken a long time to overcome, and I still have yet to master the concept of growth mindset. I am very hard on myself and have always held myself to high, often unachievable, standards. I have tried to be kinder to myself lately, noting that not everyone is good at everything. I have improved at that, at least. This semester I would like to work on scheduling and procrastinating. It is a habit I have not fully formed, and I would like to avoid the inevitable cycle of procrastinating to the point of being mad at myself. I look forward to growing personally and professionally this semester.
I chose this image because I have focused a lot on disconnecting from technology lately. It can be such an addicting distraction. Technology should exist to improve the way humans interact with one another, not to distract us from one another. Image found at Growth Mindset Blog.
I was introduced to the Growth Mindset last semester as well and I have done my best to apply it to my current semester as well. I found that it helped me out a lot with the workload that I had and I am hoping that it will help me this semester as well.